How To Declutter Your Bedroom and Maximise Space with an Ottoman Bed

An image showing a bedroom which really needs to adhere to our bedroom decluttering tips.

Bedroom Decluttering Tips

Does your bedroom feel more like a storage unit than a tranquil sleep sanctuary? You’re not alone. Bedrooms often become dumping grounds for clothes, keepsakes and pretty much anything else. This can be damaging for your mental health and prevent your chance of a good night’s sleep.

At Home Treats UK, we want your home to be as homely as possible and your bedroom clutter free. As such, we’ve devised a comprehensive guide on how to declutter your bedroom and create a sleeping haven. Plus, we’ll explore how an ottoman bed can be your secret weapon in the fight against all the clutter that can build up in a bedroom.

An image showing a totally decluttered bedroom.

The Decluttering Process

The only place to start with this lengthy piece of life admin is at the beginning. You need to first work out what you want to keep and what you can just about live without.

Embrace the Purge

Start by giving yourself a few hours to sort through your belongings ruthlessly. One fool-proof way to work out what you actually need to keep is to ask yourself: “Have I used this in the past year?” And be honest about the answer! The last thing you want to do is continue to hoard things that once again you won’t have used this time next year.

Donate unused clothes, sell unwanted items online and recycle anything past its prime. Sites like Vinted and Depop are a great solution to making a bit of money of clothes you had forgotten you even owned. If you can spare that bit of extra pocket money, charity shops will be more than grateful for your old gear.

Conquer Clothing Chaos

Clothes are often the biggest culprit of clutter in a bedroom. It’s important to have storage solutions for all clothes within your room, whether clean or dirty. Fold or hang clean clothes neatly, utilising drawer dividers and wardrobe organisers to keep all items categorised and accessible. For dirty clothes, have your washing basket in an easy to throw into place, so that they don’t end up on the floor and building the clutter.

Other ideas for reducing clothes clutter in your room include hooks on the back of your door, boxing your seasonal clothing away elsewhere (often a loft) and using storage furniture like an ottoman instead of a single function chair. One final point here: preventing your bedroom floor space from being a dumping ground doesn’t meant to simply throw clothes onto other surfaces! Everything needs a home.

Consider a Minimalist Approach

Sentimental items add a personal touch to a room. But what they also do is add visual clutter, which can sometimes only add to the mess. Small items like jewelry and trinkets should be kept in specific storage solutions, ideally within drawers so as to not take up space on surfaces.

Employing minimalism in your bedroom is one of the best decluttering tips you can take on board and is the kind of home decor approach that many a modern interior designer will suggest, especially in smaller homes. As with clothing, if you can live without having some of these personal items out and visible, it may be a good idea to store them away elsewhere in your home and have them out to enjoy when you’re feeling sentimental.

Keep Surfaces Clutter Free

A dressing table, desk or bedside table can become a magnet for clutter. Clear everyday items off surfaces, only keeping essentials like a lamp, a phone charger and a cherished photo. As we have noted before, everything should have its own place without an item of furniture, not on top. Having piles upon piles of items on a dresser really adds to the cluttered feel of a bedroom and can impact the effectiveness of the table itself.

It’s a good idea to use the drawers of a dressing table for most items like make up and skin care, but using storage boxes or decorative boxes is a good way to keep things neat and organised on a surface if required. During your decluttering process, remember to have a clear out of these toiletry products because I bet there’s loads you haven’t used in years.

An image showing a minimalist surface within a bedroom

The Ottoman Bed: Your Decluttering Ally

Now, let’s talk about how one of our favourite decluttering hacks – the ottoman bed. This ingenious storage bed can be your secret weapon in the decluttering battle and may well be the best way to declutter your bedroom, in my humble opinion. Here’s a handy summary of how purchasing an ottoman bed can help you create and maintain a clutter free bedroom.

  • Hidden Storage Haven: An ottoman bed boasts a spacious built in storage compartment beneath the mattress, which is accessed by lifting up the mattress with the aid of gas-assisted pistons within the structure of the bed itself. This ease of access to the storage space is what sets it apart from traditional under bed storage which can be a pain to get to. The hidden under bed storage space of an ottoman bed is perfect for out-of-season clothes, shoes, extra bedding, pillows or even board games and toys in the case of a child’s room.
  • Maximise Floor Space In A Small Bedroom: Traditional beds with bulky frames and limited storage can make a bedroom feel cramped. An ottoman bed offers the same sleeping space but with valuable hidden storage underneath, freeing up valuable floor space in your bedroom, particularly useful for small spaces.
  • Declutter and Breathe: By utilising the hidden storage of an ottoman bed, you can keep frequently used items easily accessible while tucking away less-used items out of sight. This creates a visually calmer and more spacious sleeping environment. A decluttered bedroom is proven to improve mental health and encourage better sleep.

Concluding Bedroom Decluttering Tips

Hopefully by now you should be fully set to transform your bedroom from a stressful, cluttered environment to the kind of clutter free bedroom you desire, with more space than you thought possible. We’ve shared some of our top tips, starting with having a clear out of clothes you no longer wear or items not used in your daily life. We’ve then gone on to suggest ways to keep furniture and surfaces in your room free of clutter and suggested minimalism as the best decor approach to go for.

But of all the bedroom decluttering tips we have discussed, it’s the ottoman bed that can have the most significant transformative impact on your ability to maintain clutter free space in any bedroom. Luckily, here at Home Treats UK, we have a wide selection of high-quality, stylish ottoman beds at extremely reasonable prices, ready to be delivered to your home.